Wash everything and remove core from apple.Cut all ingredients into appropriate sizes.Place all the ingredients into juicer. ENJOY!
Apples: are great sources of fiber and natural sugars—but you knew that already. What you might not know is that apple skins contain quercetin, a type of plant pigment flavonoid that helps boost your immune system and reduce inflammation. An apple a day really can keep the doctor away! 🙂Kiwis: Are a good source of fiber, which promotes regular bowel movements and improves gut health.Cucumbers offer a wide range of health benefits, including:   Hydration: Cucumbers are primarily composed of water, making them excellent for staying hydrated.   Nutrient Content: Cucumbers provide essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K, vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium.Lemons: are high in vitamin C, which helps your body fight infections and promote immunity.Knob Ginger: A natural anti-inflammatory, ginger enhances your immune defenses and promotes healthy digestion.Celery is packed with essential nutrients such as vitamins A, C, K, folate, and potassium.
Keyword easy recipes, green juice, healthy recipes, jucing